...S ingapore Education system
  • The wealth of a nation lies in its people - their commitment to the country and community, their willingness to strive and persevere, their ability to think, achieve and excel. Our future depends on our continually renewing and regenerating our leadership and citizenry, building upon the experience of the past, learning from the circumstances of the present, and preparing for the challenges of the future. How we bring up our young at home and teach them in school will shape Singapore in the next generation.

  • The mission of the Education Service is to mould the future of the nation, by moulding the people who will determine the future of the nation. The Service will provide our children with a balanced and well-rounded education, develop them to their full potential, and nurture them into good citizens, conscious of their responsibilities to their family, society and country.



        Cornerstone of Education Policy

  • The education system is flexible and caters to every child’s abilities, interests and aptitudes so as to help each develop to his fullest potential. It focuses on the development of human resources to meet Singapore’s need for an educated and skilled workforce. It also facilitates the inculcation of sound moral values to serve as a cultural ballast in the face of rapid progress and change.
  • Every child in Singapore undergoes at least 10 years of general education. This comprises six years of primary education and four years of secondary education. The areas of literacy, numeracy, bilingualism, physical and moral education, and creative and independent thinking are emphasized by the education system. The bilingual policy requires that each child learns English and his mother tongue. This enables children to be proficient in English, which is the language of commerce, technology and administration, and their mother tongue, the language of their cultural heritage. Computer-based programmes are also introduced in schools to ensure that pupils are ready to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
  • Creative thinking skills and learning skills are essential for the future. The ministry has taken on the challenge to develop and expand our students’ creative potential and to instil in them the desire for continual learning. In addition, Information Technology will be used widely as teaching and learning resources to develop skills in communication and independent learning. National Education is also taught to foster strong bonds among students and develop in them a sense of responsibility and commitment to family, community and country.
  • This vision for meeting the challenges for the future can be summed up in four words: THINKING SCHOOLS, LEARNING NATION. It is a vision which will ensure that Singapore will be a nation of thinking and committed citizens who are capable of contributing towards Singapore’s continued growth and prosperity.

(Contributed from: http://www.moe.gov.sg)